From 27 to 30 March 2012, the Working Group met in Prague for a workshop.
Here you can find the Workshop Minutes.
Presentations of the Workshop were arranged in several topic categories. Their files can be found here:
- Pieter Groenemeijer, The ESSL Testbed [pdf].
Preconvective Conditions
- Estelle de Coning: Satellite based nowcasting products in the pre-convective phase for southern Africa [pdf].
- Takumu Egawa: Development of Instability Indices for Early Detection of Severe Weather Phenomena [pdf].
- Christo Georgiev: MPEF DIVergence product Interpretation scheme [ppt].
- Jochen Kerkmann: Understanding Convective Clouds through the eyes of Meteosat Second Generation [ppt].
- Marianne König: MSG Derived Instability Indices – Overview [pdf]
- Dan Lindsey and coauthors: GOES-R Risk Reduction Project: Predicting Convective Initiation 1-6 Hours Prior to Occurrence [pdf]
- Ralph Petersen and coauthors: Why do GEO-Satellite-based NearCasts? [pdf] and more examples [pdf].
- Jenni Rauhala: Pre-convective environment [pdf].
- José Miguel Fernández-Serdán: Improvements in the operational intranet web page for accessing MSG data and products [pdf].
Convective Initiation
- Takumu Egawa and Akira Sobajima: Detection of Rapidly Developing Cumulus Areas from MTSAT-1R Short-Time Interval Images [pdf].
- Wayne Feltz and coauthors: Development and Application of a Satellite-based Convective Cloud Object-Tracking Methodology [pdf].
- Steven Goodman: GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM): Convective Initiation and Severe Storms [pdf].
- Sofia Kocsis and coauthors: Improvement of Convective Initiation Product for Meteosat Second Generation Satellites [ppt].
- Thomas Krennert: Basic Investigation of Symmetric Instability During Convective Initiation in the Alpine Region [ppsx].
- John R. Mecikalski: Geostationary Satellite-based Convective Initiation Nowcasting: Current Capabilities and Operational Aspects [pdf].
- Luca Nisi and coauthors: COALITION: merging Satellite, Radar, NWP and orographic information for predicting severe convection [pdf].
- Maria Putsay and coauthors: Meteosat-8 RSS Convection Initiation Product, Improvement and Radar Based Validation [ppt] [avi movie].
- Dennis Stich: CI Nowcasting at DLR – Snapshots of ongoing research [pdf].
Mature Storms
- Rachel Albrecht and coauthors: CHUVA Project: 2010-2011 and Perspectives for 2012-2014 [pptx].
- Kris Bedka and coauthors: Objective Detection of IR Temperature Minima within Convective Cloud Tops: Validation, Applications and Relevance to Nowcasting [ppt].
- Aydın Gürol Ertürk and Kris Bedka: Comparison of MSG Overshooting Top Detections and MSG “Storms” RGB Applications [ppt], movies: airmass-RGB [mpg], IR108 [mpg], HRV [mpg], OT [mpg], storm-RGB [mpg].
- Ján Kaňák: Time and space distribution of mature convection over Europe based on MSG Airmass product [pptx], movie: [avi].
- Ján Kaňák: Tool to estimate cloud top height based on sun illumination and cloud shadows [pptx], movie: [avi].
- O. Kryvobok and V. Balabuh: Combination of satellite data and instability indices for estimation of the storm severity [pptx].
- Cecilia Marcos and Antonio Rodriguez: Convective Rainfall Rate Algorithm Evolution [ppt].
- Petra Mikus and Nataša Strelec Mahović: What happens with the weather in the vicinity of the overshooting top? [ppt].
- Mária Putsay and coauthors: Simultaneous observation of above-anvil ice plume and plume-shaped BTD anomaly atop a convective storm [ppt], movie [avi].
- Daniel Rosenfeld: Satellite retrieved cloud microstructure providing insights and adds predictability to severe convective storms [pptx].
- Jose Serdan (for Ana Genovés): Nowcasting Severe Weather Experiment – 2011 NoSWEx [pdf].
- Martin Setvák, Kris Bedka and Dan Lindsey: BTD (WV – IR window) – informal comments and discussion [pdf].
- Inna Sobchenyuk: Possibility of a use of the “cold ring” indicator on stallite images in operational nowcasting/forecasting of severe weather [pdf].
Other topics
- Humberto Barbosa: Training Experiences from the South American Group of EUMETCast Operators (SAGEO) [pdf].
- Sung-Rae Chung: Rainfall Detection through COMS in KMA [pptx].
- Hartwig Deneke and coauthors: Contribution to DWD’s Hans Ertel Research Centre (HErZ): Object-based analysis and seamless prediction (OASE) [pdf]
- Jochen Grandell: Geostationary lightning monitoring with the Meteosat Third Generation Lightning Imager (MTG LI) [pptx], movie [avi], movie [youtube].
- Davide Melfi: Satellite Rainfall Estimation [pdf].
- Monika Pajek and Piotr Struzik: Long Data Series Analysis – Satellite Climatology of Thunderstorm – Poland Experiences [pdf].
- Caroline Forster and Arnold Tafferner (presented by Dennis Stich): Summer Campaigns at MUC [pdf].