Convection Working Group splinter meeting will be held during EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2024 in Würzburg, Germany, on 1 October 16:00-18:00. The meeting will be conducted in hybrid format; CWG members not being on site can attend the meeting online.
Preliminary agenda:
- Welcome (Co-chairs)
- Outstanding Actions
- Update on MTG-I commissioning and activities (Johan Strandgren)
- Moving towards MTG operational phase (Joachim Saalmüller)
- Update on Best Practices Document (Co-chairs)
- Contributions from members
- Jan Kanak: progress of our work “MTGProc Training Environment”
- Alois Holzer: Visualization of LI and FCI data in ESSL Displayer
- Xavier Calbet: New products in the EWC ADAGUC server
- Gerrit Holl: Update on the overshooting top database survey
- Dan Lindsey: some early FCI findings
- Any other business
- The next meeting(s)
- Closing