New ESSL–EUMETSAT partnership on using next-generation satellite data in severe convective storm forecasting

EUMETSAT has contracted the European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL) for a period of three years. The ESSL will train forecasters in Member States’ National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) on the use of products from EUMETSAT next-generation MTG and EPS-SG missions for severe convective storm analysis.

The aim is to train in total about 10–15% of the operational meteorological workforce in European weather services, or about 200–300 forecasters.

While EUMETSAT has been a member of ESSL since 2008, this contract forms the first formal relationship and is intended to pave the way for longer-term collaborations in support of the European meteorological community.

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Severe storm over Hungary on 10 June 2013: Deflecting above anvil ice-plume

Mária Putsay, Kornél Kolláth and André Simon (Hungarian Meteorological Service)

On 10 June 2013, a severe thunderstorm that produced large hail moved across parts of Hungary. The authors observed that the orientation of the ice plume produced by the storm changed during its late development stage. The causes for this behavior are analysed through an analysis of the storm motion vector and the wind vectors. Here is the report in pdf-format. In addition, a Powerpoint presentation and two animations (satellite, radar) illustrate the case.
