Convection Working Group splinter meeting was held during European Conference on Severe Storms 2023, in Bucharest, Romania, on 11 May 14:30-16:00. The minutes of the meeting are available, see the link below.
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New ESSL–EUMETSAT partnership on using next-generation satellite data in severe convective storm forecasting
EUMETSAT has contracted the European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL) for a period of three years. The ESSL will train forecasters in Member States’ National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) on the use of products from EUMETSAT next-generation MTG and EPS-SG missions for severe convective storm analysis.
The aim is to train in total about 10–15% of the operational meteorological workforce in European weather services, or about 200–300 forecasters.
While EUMETSAT has been a member of ESSL since 2008, this contract forms the first formal relationship and is intended to pave the way for longer-term collaborations in support of the European meteorological community.
Convection Working Group Online sessions April 2020
Convection Working Group will host two online sessions on 21 April 2020.
Tentative Schedule for Live Presentations
Session 1 : Tuesday 21 April 08:00-09:00 UTC
- New products for MTG and NWC SAF. Xavier Calbet AEMET, Spain
- NWCSAF Convection Products. J.-M. Moisselin, F. Autones, M. Claudon,Météo-France
Session 2: Tuesday 21 April 14:00-15:00 UTC
- Use of 1-min resolution satellite imagery coupled to ground-based observations for cloud process determination:John Mecikalski,Atmospheric Science Department, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
- Hail Storm Risk Assessment Using Space-Borne Remote Sensing Observations and Reanalysis Data. Kris Bedka, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
Since the launch of the first Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite in 2002, many of applications in the area of severe convective storm detection and nowcasting have been developed by various users. The focus of this working group is to establish a comprehensive inventory of the available applications in this field, with the aim to get deeper insight into the differences and commonalities of the available techniques and products, and their specific areas of application.
The Convection Working Group is an initiative of EUMETSAT and its member states, and the European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL).